Simple Step By Step Guide To Text Mining

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First, you’ll need to ensure you have the most recent version of R, head over to to download it.
You can copy and paste the following commands into the R Console, although, we use R-Studio and would recommend it.

8 Ways You Can Use Sentiment Analysis To Grow your Business

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Listening to customer feedback has always been important to companies that want to stay in business and expand their customer base. As the marketplace gets more complex, using human and automated methods can help in a number of ways.

Three Simple ways you can use inbound marketing to improve your business

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Inbound marketing is a more affordable marketing strategy, which is a reason why so many small business owners make use of it. The idea of inbound marketing is that you target a core audience by providing useful and quality content to entice them into finding out more about your products or services. So, in essence, you give them something in order to get them to come to you.

5 Ways you Can Grow Your Business With Facebook

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Social media marketing refers to the process of gaining website traffic or attention through social media sites. Social media has become a platform that is easily accessible to anyone with internet access. Increased communication for organizations fosters brand awareness and often, improved customer service. And one of such tools is Facebook.

How to Create Easy-to-Read Content for Your Blog

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Writing great content is a choice. You can choose to put in the time and work required to create great content and build a prosperous brand.


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Search engine optimization (SEO) is something you need to worry about as you are growing your business. 

Five reasons why you need predictive analytic's for your business

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Most entrepreneurs and innovative experts including people with very high vision and dreams often make certain mistakes, by delving into projects without looking at certain factors which can likely leverage  from historical data. The capability to integrate social data and unstructured text provides a profound knowledge of how consumers engage with and impact others in their social connections, creating the opportunity to predict churn or prospective customers based on historical data.

Designing A Data Product

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As data scientists build increasingly sophisticated products, they need a systematic design approach.the idea is to start a dialog within the data science and business communities to advance our collective vision.